Sunday, October 11, 2009


well, i'm tired.

who isn't, right?  but i'm really rather worn down.  i thought once i finished my bachelor's degree, things would ease up a bit.  as it turns out, i was wrong.  again.  meh, i'm getting used to it.

you see, i have a 2-year-old son.  actually, it'd be more accurate to say that i have a lightning-ball-of-hyperactivity-who-looks-somewhat-like-me.  he's amazing, i'm not even trying to complain, but keeping up with him is no easy task.

i know, i know... many of you are already saying, "but Grey, all 2-year-old boys are busy... suck it up."

yeah, you haven't met mine.  my favorite thing to do these days is take him to somewhere where a few (not too many!) other parents are letting their kids play, like a playground, a park, or a prison yard, and unleash my boy on 'em.  parents usually smile at me the first minute or two we're there, followed by a comment like, "oh!  you're boy is a busy one too!  ha ha!"  then, after about 5 minutes, i start to get the looks.  you know, the looks that basically say, "okay, what is your son on, exactly?  is he dangerous?"

oh, you don't know that look?  really?  i get that all the time.

but the real fun starts around 10 minutes after my son has invaded the public play area.  don't get me wrong, he's not a bully or a jerk to the other kids (although a little time at daycare has made him a bit less of a target for those kids who act that way), he just doesn't stop.  ever.


after about 10 minutes or so, parents start giving me that sympathetic look.  that look that says, "ah, i understand why your eyes are glazed over and you look like you could drop at any minute."  occasionally one will even come by (you see, by now they've all moved well away from where i'm sitting) and say, "wow, your son is a real firecracker, eh?"  (read firecracker = insanely hyper to the point of abnormal and/or supernatural).  i always smile, and keep most of my comments to myself, because i know that now, even though it's just a few of you, at least some of you people out there who thought you had a "busy" child now understand that you're actually blessed with a perfectly normal, healthy kid, while mine generates enough heat from his basic daily activities to keep Tibetans warm at night.

all of themthe entire country of Tibet.  seriously. 

so, why am i telling you this?  is the point that i'm tired?

oh, not so fast... as tired as i am now, it only gets better.

you see, we've got another child on the way.

your reactions could go anywhere from "Yay!  Congratulations!" to "well, who's fault is that?"  i don't really care.

but as tired as i feel now, it will feel like a tropical all-expenses-paid vacation compared to the absolute physical exhaustion which awaits me in the near future.

that's right, the near future.  as in the next week.  maybe less...


again, don't get me wrong.  i love my son, he's an absolute blast to be with, and i love being his father more than just about anything.  i can't wait to meet the new child who will come screaming into my life any day now to take over that which has only begun to settle down since the first one arrived.

but i've begun to stockpile coffee.  lots and lots of coffee.