Thursday, October 29, 2009

just wait a bit

that's my life right now...


most people will tell you that waiting sucks.  i like to think i'm a bit more philosophical about it (most of the time), and believe that it's an opportunity to introspectively reflect upon my contribution to the universe and my attainment of my personal goals which will result from the achievement of whatever the heck i'm waiting for at the time.

yeah, waiting sucks.

waiting for something which you have absolutely no control over sucks even more.  the worst, however, is waiting for something that someone can control yet has made it abundantly clear that they're not even slightly interested in doing anything about it except wallowing in the torment of making you wait even longer. 

that's where it appears i am right now.  of course, i'm talking about my unborn daughter.

"wow, Grey, that's awful!  how can you talk about your unborn daughter that way?"

allow me to explain.  or don't, it doesn't matter to me.  it's my blog and you can stop reading at any time; i'm going to say what i have to say (that's a joke, people... nobody reads my blog, i'm just keeping myself entertained over here). 

you see, i know me.  i know my wife.  i know how we operate.  we like messing with each other.  it comes from living with someone who is just as bullheaded and obstinate as you are for well over a decade.  it's inevitable.

this beautiful person who is currently residing inside my wife is a creation of our own genetic makeup.  it's equally hers and mine, and therefore retains some of our characteristics while still essentially being a completely new person whom is entirely her own entity. 

in other words, she's laughing right now.  she's messing with us and enjoying every bit of it. 

you see, my wife has these horrible contractions... horrible in the amount of pain they cause her, but the upside is that they indicate the imminent arrival of our little bundle of joy. 

except that they aren't.  my wife's been having these kinds of contractions for almost a week now.  sometimes they get more intense, and come more quickly, leading us both to believe that the time has come to race to the hospital to wait there some more.  then we get there, my wife stays in some room for a ridiculously long time, and then someone in scrubs shows up to tell us that it's not time yet, but they "won't be surprised if we come back later tonight in real labor." 

that's happened twice.  no "real" labor yet.  just pain and more waiting.

i can't wait to meet my daughter, she's going to be a real chip off the old block.  i'll probably even wait a few months before i start messing with her in the interest of fairness... but at this point i'm not making any guarantees.