Tuesday, October 13, 2009

it goes both ways

i've mentioned i'm pretty busy lately (or at least that i'm tired, so you should have correctly concluded that i'm busy and not just lazy).

"you can't be that busy, Grey... you're spending time blogging, which is probably the most worthless way a person could spend their time."

yeah, you're right; the only grander waste of time is actually reading blogs.  it's just that my readers mean so much to m...

::fits of choked laughter::

::gets breath back, heavily sighing::

i almost got that out without losing my composure... as if i have any readers (There are no followers yet.  Be the first!).  no, the truth is my therapist said i needed a creative outlet that doesn't involve blades and nudity.  so, here i am.

anyway, i really am a busy guy.  i work, i chase my 2-year-old around (who, btw, is upstairs harassing his mother so i prob should keep this short), i'm getting our house ready for another child due to arrive any day now, and i'm currently looking for a new job since having completed my bachelor's degree.

never mind the hours i put into video games.

so, i got a callback today.  i can't say it went successfully, necessarily, although he does want me to come in and see him later this week.  i'm just not sure i want to go see him.  at least, not for the reasons he's thinking, anyway.

you see, there are a million places on the 'net that explain that interviewing for a job is a tough process, one in which you need to be careful of how you present yourself in all aspects.  you need to look professional, your resume needs to be just the right format and without any grammatical gaffes, your interview needs to communicate to your potential employer-to-be just the right combination of confidence and humility...

basically, you need to sell yourself without appearing as if you're selling yourself while you're desperately trying to look like you're not desperate.  it's a lot of hoop-jumping, to say the least.

but it goes both ways.

take this call i got today for instance.  the gentleman on the other end of the phone informs me that he's looking to "immediately" fill this position.  there's a red flag.

then he states that he's already spoken with many other possible candidates who weren't interested in the position for whatever reason.  there's another red flag, and a pretty big one in my opinion.  (which reminds me, why exactly didn't they contact me earlier?  my GPA is outstanding and my resume indicates a decade of management experience, albeit not in IT.  this is an entry-level position, so why the hell didn't he call me before now?)

finally, he explains to me again that he needs to fill the position as soon as possible.  this is probably the worst thing you can tell someone in my position.  you see, when i first answered the phone, this guy had all the power.  he could have decided he liked me, thought i was worth giving a shot in his prestigious company, and i would have plugged away like a faithful servant to ensure that i got ahead in their company.

instead, he told me a) we need someone now, b) he's already spoken with at least a few others who didn't want the job (in this economy), and c) we really really need someone right away.

so now the applicant (that's me for those of you without outstanding GPAs) has more power than the interviewer.  it's like an episode of Twilight Zone.  he's let me know in no uncertain terms that he's desperate for a qualified candidate, any candidate, to merely accept the position.

what's wrong with the position?  i don't know yet, i haven't met with the guy.  but it must be something pretty big to have had such trouble filling it, especially considering it's an entry-level position and we're a bunch of grads w/o experience in the field.  we can't really afford to pick and choose at this point.  i intend to find out, though.  maybe it's something i can live with.  probably it'll be something i won't want.  but it might very well be the only time in this interviewing process where i can feel like i'm the one in charge, and that experience, dear readers, is worth more than gold to a peon like myself, and i won't pass it up for anything.